Main pageYour dashboardDashboard PeoplePeople → Adding new staff to Notion

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Main page

Your dashboard

Everything about tasks

Clients and Suppliers

All about people

Project Management

Your company home page

Managing with teams

SOPs & Policy

Creating tutorials

Sales Management


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<aside> 💡 Never add new people into the “People” views. Always add them into a business. The business the person is in then determines if that person is a client, supplier, or something else. If you don’t want to create new businesses for each person, make a general business, eg: “All clients”, then add them all to there.


Add a new staff member to your Ultimate Business Notion Setup

Share the main page with them

  1. This is the only page that will need to be shared with them. To find it, look at the breadcrumb trail at the top of your page. The first page should be the teamspace. You’re after the second page in the trail. If you see an ellipsis, click on it and the page you want should be at the top of the list. Click on this page to open it as a full page.


  2. Go to the top-right corner and click “Share”


  3. Type the new staff member’s email address into the box. It can be any email address, but if the staff member already uses Notion, they will probably want it to be the email address they already use with Notion. Notion makes it easy to switch between accounts that all use the one email address.

  4. Then click on their email address that appears below.

    Share email.png

  5. Click on the dropdown to the right which probably says “Full access” and select “Can edit”. Then click on “Invite”.

    Share as Can edit.png

  6. They are now invited as a guest, and this is all you require. Another window might pop up offering to make them a paid member. You can click away from this if you don’t want to add them as a member to your teamspace.

Create them as a staff member

  1. Find your business page and open it. Dashboard → Businesses → Us.

  2. In the “Staff view”, add them as a new person.

    New staff member.png

  3. Open their new page and set “Notion user” as them.

Share their dashboard

You will find there are both a “Dashboard” and a “Workstation” at the bottom of their new page. Decide which one they’ll get by considering if they’ll just be doing tasks, or if they’ll be managing people or projects.